
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

WPP #13 & 14: Unit P Concept 6 & 7 - Applications with Law of Sines and Law of Cosines

Heavenly Accident

This WPP 13-14 was made in collaboration with Julian T. Please visit the other awesome posts on their blog by clicking here.

Law of Sines Problem: 

Julian and Jeff were best of friends on the way to the BFC (Best Friend Convention) in Tijuana, Mexico when Mexican drug smugglers kidnapped Julian because he was an FBI agent. Jeff needed to rescue him. He planned and prepared, tracking down the smugglers so he could find Julian. Unfortunately, Julian and Jeff were both murdered. They became angels and both met up on a cloud that was 28 feet in width at horizontal locations opposite from one another. Julian was located at a bearing of 069 degrees and Jeff was located at bearing of 327 degrees. How many feet were they each from the gates of heaven?
After setting up the law of sines relationship, Jeff was 24 feet away and Jeff was 10.26 feet away from the gates of heaven.

Law of Cosines Problem:

After their fateful encounter, Julian and Jeff are left to explore heaven. Upon being distracted by different people and meeting up with past relatives, Jeff and Julian find themselves lost. They both started off at the gates of heaven. Jeff flew northeast 35 degrees (N35E) for 2.5 hours at a speed of 2 mph. Julian flew northwest 65 degrees (N65W) for 1.5 hours at a speed of 4 mph. How far are Julian and Jeff after they are done flying and have come to a stop?

In the end, the two best friends ended up in heaven and with the ability to fly could see each other whenever. 

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