
About Me

     This is my blog where you'll find anything revolving math. My name is Ivan I am a junior in high school. I play water polo and I am part of the swim team. My life is made up of three important aspects: family, friends, and school. I believe school is a full-time duty as we prepare for the real world.
      As a student, I learn best when listening and perform best when I  practicing visually. Therefore, science and math are my strengths. I am interested in getting a career in a STEM field, more specifically, bio-medical engineering. Math and science are my favorite subjects because the feeling received after you understand something that took an effort to make out is invaluable. It makes you feel like you are on top of the world, even if it's for a short amount of time.
     To keep an equilibrium in my life, I balance academics, athletics, and social activities in the best of my ability. When given the opportunity to perform in school, I try my best to succeed and use my self-motivation to push through hard concepts. In a water polo game, or a swim meet, I do my best to roll with the punches and keep moving ahead. If there is a chance and free-time is available, I often meet up with friends and go out to eat or visit the movie theater.

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