
Thursday, October 24, 2013

SP#3: Unit I Concept 1 - Graphing exponential functions and identifying their properties

In order to understand the viewer needs to pay special attention as to why we have no x-intercept. We know by observations that is not possible since "a" is positive the graph will be above our asymptote, which is y=3, it is above the x-intercept and therefor nothing falls below the asymptote. Algebraically,  when you try to find x-intercept by setting y=0, you will find yourself with an undefined answer, as you cannot take log of a negative number. Understanding this is crucial. Note that an asymptote of an exponential equation is y=k. Which means the range will be limited to whatever the asymptote is and whether the graph falls below or above that asymptote. When choosing key points, make sure you include "h" as your third value and subbing plugging in x- intercepts that help in plotting your line (nearby numbers that you can plot in your window, etc.) Make sure you note arrows that show the graph goes on infinitely on both sides (since there are no restrictions on the domain).

My name is Ivan and THANK YOU!

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